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Women's Health Chat Room
HealthfulChat has formed this important portion of the web site to offer females a place to go to talk about women's health. HealthfulChat is 100% committed to giving women the peer support they need talking about sensitive issues that affect the female population. Please utilize the Women's Health Chat Room, women's health forums, and women's health social network to begin receiving the advice, encouragement and thoughtful support you deserve.
HealthfulChat is aware that there are a number of health issues that involve only the women of society; every age, creed, and nationality. Health issues that range from the complex female reproductive system, women's health products and vitamins, to mammogram awareness, and the importance of screening for early detection of cervical cancer. Perhaps your life was saved due to early detection of an illness such as breast cancer. Maybe you can be the one to convince that frightened woman halfway around the globe to bring herself to the doctor, explaining how it saved your life. HealthfulChat provides many ways for women from all over the world to reach out to one another through an on-going Women's Health peer support Chat Room for those in need of immediate assistance, women's health peer support forums, and a women's health peer support social network where friends and allies can be made easily.
It is quite clear when reading statistics such as the, "Percent [of women] 40 years and over who had a mammogram within the past 2 years: 68%," and the, "Percent [of women] 18 years and over who had a Pap smear within the past 3 years: 75%," that although women are getting more on track with preventative care, there are still some women out there who do not see the importance of proper body maintenance. These are many of the same women who see themselves as healthy because they do not feel any pain, and have no visible medical issues, therefore, do not seek medical screening, take vitamins, exercise, or visit a doctor at least once a year for a simple check-up. The likely cause for this is fear; fear of either finding out something they do not want to hear or fear of doctor's in general. HealthfulChat believes in the power of numbers to make action happen, which is why we have created this online support network dedicated to women helping other women.
If you are willing to share your story with others, are one of the many who do not get regular check-ups, a woman who is living with a female disease or disorder, or a woman out there looking to improve her quality of life or the lives of others, we wholeheartedly encourage to you join this Women's Health Chat Room, women's health forums, and the women's health social network to meet, greet, share and support with others. Welcome.

The services provided by HealthfulChat are designed to support, not replace any professional medical help you may currently be receiving.