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Welcome to the HIV and AIDS Chat Room
Online Support Community and Health Forums
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HealthfulChat is committed to offering people around the world a support network. For that reason, we are devoting this portion of the web site to HIV and AIDS support. Connect with others living with HIV or AIDS via the HIV and AIDS Chat Room, HIV and AIDS forums, and the HIV and AIDS social network.


Although many people associate the HIV or AIDS epidemic with Africa, there are more than one million people in the United States living with the disease, and over 30 million in the world fighting a daily battle against this illness. Although the world has come a long way since the discovery of HIV and AIDS in 1976 in Norway, or during the early 1980's when HIV and AIDS became known in the United States, there are still so many assumptions, stigmas and judgments that go along with having this now, 100% livable disease.


In the past, HIV and AIDS were thought of as diseases for homosexuals and drug addicts, but time has taught us how untrue this really is. Although statistics show that homosexual men, "…count for more than half (53%) of all new HIV infections in the U.S. each year, as well as nearly half (48%) of people living with HIV," women consist of more than 15 million of the world population living with HIV or AIDS, and children make up more than 2 million of the HIV and AIDS world infected population. In fact, in the United States alone, "Individuals infected [with HIV/AIDS] through heterosexual contact account for 31% of annual new HIV infections and 28% of people living with HIV."1 


These statistics should show you that male, female, child, teenager, adult, homosexual, heterosexual, or bisexual can become victim, and that no matter how you were infected with this disease, you are not alone. Although there are people every day in your corner, it must be hard for you to explain what it's like to live with, "persistent, unexplained fatigue, soaking night sweats, shaking chills and high fevers, or even persistent headaches."2 Perhaps there are still loved ones who cannot understand how you ended up contracting HIV since you are not in one of the labeled, "high risk," groups, or because this is an informational age. They cannot understand how that person you loved unwittingly gave it to you, or you simply made a mistake one night. HealthfulChat is here to offer you this understanding support community of peers for you to meet, greet, share and support with.


Self Help Aid
This HIV and AIDS portion of HealthfulChat was developed so that you can share your experiences, successes, tears, laughter and pain with others who can really understand what it's like to live with HIV or AIDS. A society of peers who can perhaps give diet tips so that you can continue living a healthy life, or possibly just be a shoulder to lean on when you need one. We hope you enjoy your experience in this HIV and AIDS Chat Room, and branch out to our HIV and AIDS forums and HIV and AIDS social network. We welcome you here with open arms and hope that you make new friendships that will last;  perhaps these new alliances will give you some light during the darker times.



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1 www.cdc.gov

2 http://www.redskyhealing.com



The services provided by HealthfulChat are designed to support, not replace any professional medical help you may currently be receiving.