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Welcome to the Arthritis Chat Room
Online Support Community and Health Forums
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Arthritis Self Help Aid

HealthfulChat recognizes that arthritis is an unfortunate part of life for many people; both young and more mature. Therefore, we have developed this portion of the website to arthritis peer support. Here, you can join the Arthritis Chat Room, these arthritis forums, and this arthritis social network to begin connecting with others who can quite literally, feel your pain.


The philosophy of HealthfulChat is that along with the proper medical treatment, there is great power in numbers. HealthfulChat believes that in order for the human race to succeed in life and all of the curve balls it throws, such as a diagnosis of arthritis, we need the caring support of our peers. Although loving friends and family have the best of intentions, it is impossible for someone who does not have arthritis to truly understand your daily struggle. We encourage you to enter this arthritis society to meet, greet, share and support with others who have also been diagnosed with one of the many forms of arthritis.


Since there are more than 100 types of arthritis, including, osteo, rheumatoid, gout, fibromyalgia, ankylosing, psoriatic, inflammatory, systemic and septic, there are many people, both young and older who suffer from this painful, often debilitating disease. Many may be surprised to know that there are people around the world, ages 10-100 who suffer from the daily agony of arthritis. The symptoms of arthritis range anywhere from mild to severe and can affect body parts such as, fingers, hips, knees and feet. HealthfulChat is here to offer you this Arthritis Chat Room, arthritis forums, and arthritis social network to laugh with others, compare symptoms and remedies, and to share advice from a source that may truly be able to ease some of your pain.


Since, "An estimated 46 million adults in the United States reported being told by a doctor that they have some form of arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, lupus, or fibromyalgia,"1 the importance of this Arthritis Chat Room is immeasurable. "With over 6 billion people in the world, and the above statistic only covering the United States"2, imagine the millions of others worldwide who live with some form of arthritis every day. People who know what it's like to fear the cold weather because of what it will do to their hands. People who wake up hearing rain on the roof and dread it, not because of a possibly bad hair day or wet shoes, but the anguish that getting up and going to work will cause them. People who have trouble holding a pencil or playing with their children or grandchildren due to arthritis. The child suffering from juvenile arthritis who cannot play with his or her friends due to a pain that they cannot even begin to describe to their buddies; and the parent who must watch helplessly, unable to make their son or daughter's hurting go away. This arthritis community is for all of you. Please allow the preceding statistics to show you that you are not alone. 


Arthritis Self Help Aid
HealthfulChat is offering this arthritis community to connect you to others around the globe that wake up to stiff hands, joints and bodies, and know what it feels like to rise to the alarm clock aware that pain will be greeting you. We invite you to share your ideas for arthritis pain relief, or even an arthritis diet, exercise and vitamin routine that has proven successful to you. Please enter this arthritis web page, whether it be the Arthritis Chat Room, arthritis forums, the arthritis social network, or all three, to both give and receive support, and perhaps make some new friendships.



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1 http://arthritis-symptom.com

2 http://www.cdc.gov/arthritis/data_statistics/arthritis_related_stats.htm



The services provided by HealthfulChat are designed to support, not replace any professional medical help you may currently be receiving.