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Leisure and Entertainment Chat Room
Although discussing health issues is the core of HealthfulChat, it is understandable that people need a break from reality sometimes. Here at HealthfulChat we are pleased to offer you this Leisure and Entertainment Chat Room. This is a place where you can talk about your favorite music, television, movies and music with others. The Leisure and Entertainment Chat Room is also the place to discuss the leisure activities that are close to your heart; such as reading, knitting; playing an instrument or singing, to name but a few. Most importantly, this is a place where you can put your health issues on the back burner for a little while, and remember to smile and have some fun too.
Please utilize this room only for entertainment purposes. If you feel the desire to talk about your health issue, you are encouraged to join the chat room, forum or social network specific to your ailment. It is there that you will find the support you need from a community that can empathize with you. Please Click Here to browse a list of all chat rooms.

The services provided by HealthfulChat are designed to support, not replace any professional medical help you may currently be receiving.