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Bipolar Disorder Chat Room
HealthfulChat is delighted to offer you this bipolar disorder peer support and encouragement area of this web site. Here, you can communicate with others living with bipolar disorder through a Bipolar Disorder Chat Room, bipolar disorder forums, and a bipolar disorder social network.
You are likely one of the many people around the world who suffer with the extreme highs and lows, and the unfortunate stigma of bipolar disorder I, or bipolar disorder II. Bipolar disorders can cause great harm to many, can shorten the life span of individuals who suffer from it, and do not discriminate against gender, age, race, or social class. The philosophy of HealthfulChat is that along with professional help, a support network greatly increases the chances of individuals suffering from illness to either begin or continue on their way to or through recovery. We ask you to, along with your medically approved treatment, meet, greet, share and support with others who are dealing with this illness. The hope of HealthfulChat is to limit the harm that bipolar disorder can inflict by offering this peer support network; by connecting people around the world to one another in order to share your fears, medication management and possible side-effects, therapies, joys and sorrows.
According to,, in the United States alone, "5.7 million adults have been diagnosed with bipolar disorders, which means that 2.6% of Americans aged 18 or older live with this illness every day"1. There are many treatments available for bipolar disorder including medication such as Lithium, which does help about half of the bipolar population, but it has also been proven that peer, " group(s) improved treatment compliance by almost 86% and reduced in-patient hospitalization. (DBSA, 1999)"1
If you have been diagnosed with a bipolar disorder, we welcome you to this bipolar disorders peer support network. We welcome you to both give and gain peer support with your story of bipolar symptoms, treatment and recovery. We encourage you to share your tales of therapy and form an alliance with others who are fighting the same battle that you are. Please utilize the Bipolar Disorder Chat Room, bipolar disorder forums, and finally the bipolar disorder social network.

The services provided by HealthfulChat are designed to support, not replace any professional medical help you may currently be receiving.