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Philosophy Chat Room
This Philosophy Chat Room is for those people out there who think deeply and reason clearly. You are more than likely someone who enjoys a good, intelligent debate, and gets satisfaction from analyzing thoughts, desires and beliefs. There are nearly as many definitions of philosophy as their are opinions, therefore, for the sake of clarity, HealthfulChat will use the following one. Philosophy is: "The critical analysis of fundamental assumptions or beliefs."1 HealthfulChat asks that you remember this definition while chatting in the Philosophy Chat Room, and although we do encourage the sharing of different ideas, we also ask that you always respect the opinions of others in our community who utilize this room.
Although it is clear that when people discuss their beliefs in issues that resonate in their souls things can get intense, we ask that as the intelligent deep thinking person you are, you keep your judgments in check, and that you respect all other opinions. After all, philosophy is also about the exchange of these beliefs and assumptions, and gathering other opinions just may open your mind to a way of thinking you never even considered before.
Welcome and enjoy your time in this Philosophy Chat Room. We ask that you read the chat room rules before entering, particularly regarding the self-moderation rule and the Ignore feature. We ask that you report any content that you find needs to be brought to our attention as well. Finally, please utilize this room only for conversation regarding philosophy. If you feel the desire to talk about your health issue, you are encouraged to join the chat room, forum or social network specific to your ailment. It is there that you will find the support you need from a community that can empathize with you. Please Click Here to browse a list of all chat rooms.

The services provided by HealthfulChat are designed to support, not replace any professional medical help you may currently be receiving.