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Autism Spectrum Disorder Chat Room
HealthfulChat is pleased to offer this web page strictly for autism spectrum disorder peer support. In order to communicate with your peers, HealthfulChat is offering you an Autism Spectrum Disorder Chat Room, autism spectrum disorder forums, and an autism spectrum disorder social network.
HealthfulChat understands that there is an entire spectrum of autism disorders out there, such as aspergers syndrome; however, many of these disorders do not impede an individual's ability to lead an active and interesting life. HealthfulChat does also understand, however, that it is not easy living with any type of disorder in the autism spectrum, and is pleased to offer this web page for support and friendship to those either living with a disorder in the autism spectrum, or those who love someone who is. Here at HealthfulChat, we offer you an Autism Spectrum Disorder peer support Chat room, autism spectrum disorder peer support forums and an autism spectrum disorder peer support social network where you can connect with others who have been touched by autism. Whether you yourself have a disorder in the spectrum, have a family member, such as a spouse, parent, or sibling, or you are a parent of an autistic child, we urge you to come into the autism spectrum disorder network we have created here so that you can meet, greet, share and support with others. We recommend that you share your secrets regarding the signs of autism, the therapy that worked for you, to laugh and even cry with others who can understand your own personal struggle each day. You just might make some lifelong friends here at HealthfulChat.
According to, eMedTV, although there is not a specific number of diagnosed people in the United States with an autism spectrum disorder, "...if 4 million children are born in the United States every year, approximately 24,000 of these children will eventually be diagnosed with an ASD." Furthermore, the same source states,"1 ...we can estimate that up to 500,000 individuals between the ages of 0 to 21 have an autism spectrum disorder." Although there is controversy from celebrities such as Jenny McCartney as to how their child developed a disorder in the autism spectrum, and whether vaccinations have anything to do with it, it is clear that many children, no matter how it came to be, will be diagnosed with some form of autism. For each of these children, there is a parent or caregiver who must help their child make the most of their life. This parent must be strong enough to fight with and for their child. HealthfulChat recognizes that, no matter how strong a parent is, battling for the proper schools and treatment, and simply finding the money for an autistic child can be both physically and mentally exhausting. HealthfulChat wishes to help all of these phenomenal parents out there by offering you this autism spectrum peer support network. We encourage you to enter and begin to meet, greet, share and support with others.
HealthfulChat was set up primarily for peer support and so that you, as someone who is affected by autism spectrum disorder knows that you are not remotely alone. With the help of our autism spectrum disorder portion of this network, our hope is that you will receive the emotional support you deserve. We hope you enjoy your experience with HealthfulChat, and recommend that you being using our Autism Spectrum Disorder Chat Room, autism spectrum disorder forums, and the autism spectrum disorder social network today.

Useful Links:
The mission of the Autism Society of Ohio (ASO) is to improve the lives of all affected by autism in Ohio. The ASO includes persons with autism, families, and professionals working together to improve services and support at the state level.
The services provided by HealthfulChat are designed to support, not replace any professional medical help you may currently be receiving.