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Welcome to this Trivia Chat Room. HealthfulChat understands how important it is to take a time-out from the issues in life and have not only a good time, but something that just might challenge your mind and awaken your competitive spirit. We have designed this Trivia Chat Room to not only keep you connected with those you have befriended while being a member of our community, but to allow you to smile when you get the answer correct, and even laugh at yourself when you get the answer wrong. We hope that you have fun and perhaps learn some useful trivia along the way here.
All that is asked of you is that you treat others with respect and kindness, and play the game in a fair way. We hope you enjoy your experience with this Trivia Chat Room, and we encourage you to keep watch for upcoming games that HealthfulChat will offer to you. Please utilize this room only for trivia play. If you feel the desire to talk about your health issue, you are encouraged to join the chat room, forum or social network specific to your ailment. It is there that you will find the support you need from a community that can empathize with you. Please Click Here to browse a list of all chat rooms.

The services provided by HealthfulChat are designed to support, not replace any professional medical help you may currently be receiving.