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Lounge (General Off Topic Conversation)
The Lounge Chat Room was created for people to get to know one another through mature, respectful conversation. It was created to build life-long friendships for adults around the world, and for those adults to share their culture, experiences, and kindness with others. It was set up for people to relax, laugh, connect and chat with one another.
HealthfulChat encourages you to join the Lounge Chat Room and begin talking with others right away. Although you may be shy to enter the community of your specific illness, you may find that the laid-back environment of the Lounge Chat Room is a great place for you to start on your journey through this worldwide peer support community. Another wonderful component of the Lounge Chat Room is that you never knew who you may meet and where they may be from. You as an American may just begin an exciting friendship with someone living in India, England, Africa or South America. The goal is to show you that no matter where someone lives, people in general have the same needs in life, and we are all living with similar issues, fears, and even health ailments.
All that is asked of you is that you treat others with respect and consideration at all times, and read all of the chat room rules before entering. It is asked that you do not participate in sexual conversation in the general room, and that you are extremely cautious in entering private conversations with people you do not know.
HealthfulChat will work diligently to protect you, but you must also protect yourself by not only reading all of the rules, but using the important, Ignore feature, and reporting content to a room operator when you deem it necessary.Please utilize this room only for general conversation. If you feel the desire to talk about your health issue, you are encouraged to join the chat room, forum or social network specific to your ailment. It is there that you will find the support you need from a community that can empathize with you. Please Click Here to browse a list of all chat rooms.

The services provided by HealthfulChat are designed to support, not replace any professional medical help you may currently be receiving.