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Depression Chat Room
HealthfulChat is sensitive to the needs of the most common mental illness around the planet; depression. We are dedicated entirely to serving the needs of the population that has succumbed to depression by offering this peer support network. Here, you will find a Depression Chat Room, depression forums, and a depression social network. It is the hope of HealthfulChat that these important forms of peer support, along with whatever medical attention you may be receiving will help bring you up out of the cloud of depression so that you can begin to enjoy life again.
The signs of depression include prolonged sadness, hopelessness, low self-esteem, restlessness, anxiety and frustration. You may lack the energy to do the things that once made you happy or to even get out of bed some days. You may perhaps feel physical pain and isolation. Depression can strike anyone at any time, perhaps from a chemical imbalance, traumatic life event, or postpartum, to name a few. Although HealthfulChat always endorses professional medical help, we also harbor the philosophy that a support group does wonders to help you begin your journey away from the dark clouds and back into the bright ones. HealthfulChat praises you on finding us, knowing that there are days when dealing with clinical depression often makes it difficult to face the day, never mind find the strength to turn the computer on and search for help. You are commended for seeking a support network, and most welcome to join this online depression support community.
"Each year about 15 million adult Americans suffer from clinical depression." Furthermore, "...specialists predict that by 2020, depression would become the 2nd most common health problem throughout the world."1 Depression is a life-altering illness that affects not only those with it, but those who love the sufferer. Even more unfortunate, is that depression is a highly treatable illness, but studies also show that, "About 80% of the people suffering from depression now are not receiving any kind of medical treatment." Medical treatment includes the use of medications to balance out whatever chemicals in your brain are making you depressed, but also includes therapy, self help groups and depression support groups.
On-going support groups are crucial in the life-long treatment of clinical depression, as some sufferers will experience relapses throughout their lives. However, these relapses do not have to hinder those suffering from living life to the fullest. Take British politician, Winston Churchill, who suffered from depression throughout his life, calling it his, "black dog." Sir Winston Churchill, in spite of his black dog went on to become a statesman, prime minister of England, an officer, historian, writer, Nobel Prize winner and was the first person to be recognized as an honorary citizen of the United States. Despite Sir Winston Churchill's life-long battle, he was able to accomplish more than most; as can you. You merely need to recognize that depression is an illness not a weakness and must be treated as such.
Treat your depression kindly but forcefully with every treatment available to you, including a peer support community such as the one we are offering to you right here.
We here at HealthfulChat, understand that the illness of depression can make you feel vulnerable, physically ill and all alone. This depression web page is dedicated to letting you know that you do not have to face this daily battle by yourself. Along with the Depression Chat Room, there is a depression social network and depression forums where you can make some new friends who can truly understand where you are coming from. Join us now to begin to meet, greet, share and support with others.

The services provided by HealthfulChat are designed to support, not replace any professional medical help you may currently be receiving.