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Welcome to the Technology Chat Room
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Welcome to this Technology Chat Room. Although the core of HealthfulChat is peer support for health issues, we are aware how important it is to take a step back from your ailment and discuss something that is unrelated but important to you. Here in this Technology Chat Room, please feel free to discuss all types of technology, including but not limited to: web design and development; cellular phones; video games; the Internet and computer hardware and software. If you are someone who enjoys discussing all of the intricacies of both new and old technology, this Technology Chat Room is for you.


We only ask that you always treat others with respect and kindness, and we do not support any type of activity that is not permitted by law. Furthermore, you are encouraged to read all of the chat room rules, including the use of the important Ignore feature to self-moderate, and the report content section if you feel that the network needs to be told about any type of behavior. Please utilize this room only to discuss technology. If you feel the desire to talk about your health issue, you are encouraged to join the chat room, forum or social network specific to your ailment.

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It is there that you will find the support you need from a community that can empathize with you. Please Click Here to browse a list of all chat rooms.



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The services provided by HealthfulChat are designed to support, not replace any professional medical help you may currently be receiving.