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Welcome to the Physical (Mobility) Disability Chat Room
Online Support Community and Health Forums
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HealthfulChat is dedicated to offering a support system for those who live with a physical disability or mobility issue. We are aware that there are millions of people worldwide living with the difficulties associated with limited mobility. HealthfulChat's philosophy is that there is power in numbers. We believe, along with the proper medical care, a caring support network can help someone facing difficulties get through their day. In order to provide this peer support network, we are offering you a Physical Disabilities/Mobility Issues Chat Room, physical disabilities/mobility disabilities forums, and a physical disabilities/mobility issues social network.


If you are someone with some kind of physical disability, we do not have to tell you that your disability does not define who you are. Athletes such as, Tom Dempsey, a major league American football player was a kicker who set the record for the longest field goal; all without a foot. Natalie Du Toit won four gold medals in swimming in the 2004 Olympics; Ms. Du Toit was missing a leg. Jim Abbot was not only a major league baseball player, but he played American football in college and participated in the Olympics - all without a right hand.1 Each of these phenomenal people defied odds and went on to succeed in their chosen profession. More than likely, these people had a strong support network filled with doctors, loved ones and possibly even others living with a disability they were warned may stop them in life. Here at HealthfulChat we wish to offer you a caring ear to listen when you have come back home frustrated because your destination was not equipped with proper ramps. We wish to give you a network where you can talk to others about how difficult it has become to write or knit due to mobility issues with your hands. We wish to connect you with a community of your peers to make you see that not only are you not alone, but you are understood by a global society.


In the United States alone, there is not one state in the union that does not have a percentage of people living with a physical disability. Mississippi having the highest percentage, over 8%, Pennsylvania in the middle range with over 6%, and Hawaii in the low range with over 3%2 In Australia, over 2 million people under 65 years of age, and more than 1 million people over the age of 65 live with limited mobility3, and in the United Kingdom, more than 9 million people, approximately 15% of the population there have a disability of some kind.4

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Although these statistics only span three nations of the world, they are staggering, and should prove to you that you are truly not alone in your daily struggle.


Welcome to your own personal support group. Here at the physical disabilities/mobility web page, you are free to use the Physical Disabilities/Mobility Chat Room, the physical disabilities/mobility forums and the physical disabilities/mobility social network. Here, you can reach out to others who share your difficulties, triumphs, tears and laughter in the face of your disability. Enjoy your time here and please meet, greet, share and support with others.



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1 www.mademan.com

2 www.statemaster.com

3 www.disabled-world.com

4 www.warwickshire.gov.uk



The services provided by HealthfulChat are designed to support, not replace any professional medical help you may currently be receiving.