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Heart Disease Chat Room
HealthfulChat believes two important aspects of healing are peer support along with the appropriate medical care. Therefore, we are offering this part of the website to a heart disease support community. Here you can get to know others living with heart disease via the Heart Disease Chat Room, heart disease forums, and the heart disease social network. We encourage you to share your experiences with heart attack symptoms and treatment, different types of heart diseases, and perhaps the warning signs of heart disease with others. You can receive the support you deserve from a society of your peers, and perhaps encourage someone else who may be afraid to take that first step towards wellness.
Heart disease is a serious problem across the world. In the United States alone, "Every 34 seconds a person... dies from heart disease."1 Although statistics show that African-American females seem to be the main victims of heart disease, it can strike anyone at any time due to lifestyle choices and genetics. In fact, "Every 20 seconds, a person in the United States has a heart attack." And, although, "At least 250,000 people die of heart attacks each year before they reach a hospital,"1 there are many who do survive their heart troubles and come out vowing to live a healthier life.
Perhaps you survived some type of heart disease and wish to share your knowledge for a longer and better life with others who are in the exact same position you found yourself in not so long ago. Possibly you yourself have been told by a doctor that you are at risk and want to change your life around. Maybe you are looking for ways to gain support, guidance, advice and friendship. You have found the right place for all of these things. HealthfulChat's philosophy that there is power in numbers is the reason we have designed this portion of the website specifically for heart disease support. Please enter knowing that you are in a place of understanding and acceptance. Maybe you have found the combination of exercise, diet and medication, perhaps an aspirin regimen, to keep yourself healthy.
Maybe you are still looking. Whatever the case, HealthfulChat welcomes you to this heart disease peer support community to meet, greet, share and support with others.
This Heart Disease Chat Room offers you the ability to connect instantly with a community around the globe who can relate to you. Although a chat room is an easy and fun way to meet others, HealthfulChat is also pleased to present the heart disease forums and a heart disease social network so that you can form intimate and lifelong friendships around the globe knowing that you share something very important in common with the people you are forming a bond with; the strength to survive.

The services provided by HealthfulChat are designed to support, not replace any professional medical help you may currently be receiving.